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Favorite Quotes from and odes to Andromeda

My Haiku's in honor of Andromeda Characters!

Purple Sun Goddess
who's tail was shot off, too bad
then she turned golden

Brooding Warrior Tyr,
Fearless-- tall, dark, and handsome!
Hope he's on our side!

For the commonwealth
Telemachus Rhade fights
onward forever


The Charactor Tyr had some of the Best Quotes... 
from the show.
I guess the writers enjoied him 
as as much as I do
 LOL..Here's some of my favorite Tyr lines
...My compliments to the writers and the actor....

"I had an epiphany like that once. 
Then I mercilessly beat someone until it went away."

"All right. We need a plan. 
You! Come up with one, now!"

 "Sadly, I doubt if our beneficent commander 
would appreciate it if we were to 
nuke the planet from orbit."-Tyr

"I have faith in nothing but this, 
When the universe collapses and dies, 
there will be three survivors: 
Tyr Anasazi, the cockroaches, and Dylan Hunt, 
trying to save the cockroaches." -Tyr

("Umm, where'd ya get all the candles?"-Beka)
"I rendered them from the fat of my enemies." -Tyr

("Count of three? -Dylan)
"No, let's just shoot them." -Tyr.

"Now can we blow them up?"-Tyr

"Well that's a lovely sentiment sir, 
but what's in it for me?" -Tyr

"Guilt is a wasted emotion - 
or so I keep telling myself." -Tyr

"The punch should begin at the souls of your feet 
and end at the back of your opponent's skull." -Tyr

"Welcome to my ambush!"-Tyr

"You're searching for water, while you're drowning in the depth of the sea. You're only love is enlightenment. Love, desire, enlightenment, revenge... these are not emotions, simply traps to ensnare your will." -Tyr "You say that as though you actually believe it means something to me."-Tyr "Captain hunt, for a man determined to cook history's greatest omelet, you're awfully squeamish about cracking your eggs." -Tyr "You haven't the first idea how unforgiving this universe has become, and I will not let you find out at my expense!" -Tyr (After charging in guns blazing to save the day) "The were playing Wagner - it's the most fun I've had in about six months." -Tyr "I said that I'd kill you . . . I didn't say when."- Tyr "In my experience devils very rarely wear horns and carry pitchforks." -Tyr "Harper! I know you, I've watched you, you're an annoying little man, but there is fire in your blood, now use it! Are these your demons? Well then it's time to face them now!" -Tyr "You should never trust any Nietzschean… except me." -Tyr "I haven't a thing against tyrants per se, but tyrants who lose?" -Tyr "It will take a great deal more than a whispered promise to extract from me any more information than I have provided already. However, (whispers) you are oh so very welcome to try." -Tyr "You're surprised? That's what you get for incessantly trying to help!" -Tyr "Sometimes the situation requires that we hold the hand of our enemy. The difficult part is not letting them see you while you use the other hand to draw the knife." -Tyr "Never underestimate the power of words." -Tyr "That's why I always assume I'm walking into an ambush." -Tyr Shall I shoot you there while you're squatting or would you like to stand up first?" -Tyr "We've got two options: one, a frontal assault."(Tyr) "And two?"(Dylan) "Sprout wings, makes ourselves invisible with a pocket full of pixie dust and fly inside."(Tyr) "I don't know about the pixie dust part but flying… that's not bad."(Dylan) "It was a joke."(Tyr) -Tyr (and Dylan from Una Salus Victus my favorite episode) "Tyr, any ideas about what might change their minds about killing us?"(Dylan) "Killing them first?" -Tyr) "Unpredictability is the mark of a thoughtful soldier." -Tyr

I'm missing Andromeda so badly this first 
season without the show...was looking back and 
came up with a rough top ten list of my 
favorite epsiodes.

1- Una Salus Victus
2- Harper 2.0
3- Music of a Distant drum
4- Mad to be saved
5- Bunker Hill
6- Its hour come 'round at last
7- The Widening Gyre
8- Angel Dark, Demon bright
9- So burn the untamed lands
10- One more Day's light

(Have I mentioned How much I am missing 
Andromeda being absent from this season's line up?)

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